Released in 2016, Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game developed for mobile. Between 1 and 30 March 2021, the number of players on the Mobile Legends game surpassed an incredible 80 million, making it one of the best-performing MOBA games globally.
If you’re one of the 80 million, you’ll know how exciting the game is. But “owning” at the game isn't just about your focus. Sometimes, it depends on your network connection. So let us help you with that.
Unlimited Data to Set Your Mind at Ease while on a Mobile Legends Binge
When you’re engrossed in an online mobile game, Mobile Legends or otherwise, the last thing you want to worry about is whether you have enough data.
M1 offers exactly what you need to set your mind at ease with the Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Data Pack*. At just $5/mth, it gives you unlimited data access to the best MOBA game on the planet. Not only that, but you’ll get an additional 80 Mobile Legends diamonds each month to do as you please!
Get on the 5G Mobile Network to Minimise Lag & Maximise Data Speeds
On top of unlimited data, you also need a stable and reliable network connection, unless you don’t mind frustrating lags or even a dropout mid-battle. Does your digital services provider deliver that?
With the 5G Booster pack^ available as an add-on to your M1 mobile plan, which costs only $5/mth like the Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Data Pack, you’ll gain access to one of the fastest, most reliable mobile networks. 5G promises low latency to minimise or even entirely eliminate that annoying lag.
If you do decide to subscribe to both the 5G Booster pack and Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Data Pack, don't worry about multiple inconvenient bills. Everything is added to your monthly M1 bill, so you’ll only have to make one payment each month too!
*Not currently eligible on M1 Bespoke Plans
^5G access is currently available in selected areas of Singapore. Find out if you’re located within a 5G area by viewing our 5G coverage map here.