
Employee First Human Resource (HR) cloud platform that provides innovative technologies for businesses to manage their people operations.

People Central

Engaged in the business of designing, developing software and hardware solutions.

M1 - Employee Shift Scheduling Software

Managing shift schedules manually, using pen and paper methods or with a spreadsheet, can be time-consuming and are subject to human error. By automating such tasks using sophisticated, easy-to-use workplace scheduling software, you create a more efficient way of organising your employees’ time and ensure that all shifts are always covered. No matter your business type – whether retail or healthcare – or the size of your organisation – whether big or small – by integrating quality employee scheduling software, you provide the best for your team in Singapore.

Benefits of Using Automated Employee Scheduling Software

Gone are the days where you would have to manually verify if shift schedules clash or if one of your employees is suddenly not able to make it. With employee scheduling software, your team can select their shift slots online for when they are available to work. If there are new shift schedules or shift changes, the system also immediately notifies you and the other employees involved – improving internal communication.

Sometimes employees may fall ill or have to deal with emergencies and are not able to show up for a shift. With an employee scheduling system, you can categorise employees who are prepared to be on standby and reach out to them when the time calls for it. You may also integrate clock-in and clock-out features that are automated to keep track of the hours worked by your workers, making it easy for you to organise payroll.

Workflow automation tools like employee shift scheduling software helps your business make its processes more efficient, increasing productivity and saving costs.

Streamline Your Organisation’s Processes with M1

To keep pace with the world of today, ensure your business adopts innovative technologies so it stays ahead of the curve. M1’s Digital Transformation Alliance (DTA) works with businesses to assist in maneuvering the digital landscape. Make more informed business decisions, increase productivity and save costs. Through a suite of solutions, from customer relationship management (CRM), to digital marketing to B2C e-commerce solutions, strengthen your business and stay ahead of the competition.

Our account management team at M1 will first conduct a Digital Transformation Health Screening Survey with you to gain a deeper understanding of how your team operates and your business goals. We will offer solutions recommending a list of providers and software to help automate your team’s existing processes.

Start a conversation with us today.

Frequently Asked Questions About Employee Scheduling Software

What is human resource scheduling?

Human resource scheduling organises employees’ time according to the work tasks on hand. By determining how long tasks take and the number of employees required for a particular project, employees are assigned to projects to fill these labour needs. Automating such tasks with HR scheduling software helps you to easily build schedules, whilst taking into account factors such as labour needs, employee time-off and last-minute shift changes. M1 partners with two companies offering human resource e-scheduling systems: JustLogin and People Central – to fill the employee scheduling needs of businesses.

Why is employee scheduling important?

Employee scheduling ensures that your shifts are adequately covered – the right number of staff is assigned to cover the right number of shifts. Instead of assigning too many workers to a single shift and wasting resources, or assigning too few workers and overworking your workers, you fill your organisation’s needs in a way that maximizes productivity and increases cost savings. With employee scheduling software, employees are notified immediately once new schedules are released and if there are any changes.

What is the difference between scheduling and staffing?

Staffing is hiring and assigning the right people to complete shifts and tasks, while scheduling is ensuring staff turn up for pre-arranged shift slots. Staffing focuses on interviewing and screening potential employees to ensure you have competent workers who you can trust to complete tasks to a high standard. Scheduling requires creating schedules so that all shifts are properly covered, no-shows are quickly managed and no staff is overworked. With HR recruitment and scheduling software, you can automate both the staffing and scheduling needs of your organisation.