
Bona Technologies is a pre-approved SMEs Go Digital vendor specializing in Ecommerce Website & Point of Sales Software equipped with Enterprise Resource Planning modules.

Bona Technologies have the capacity ranging from E-commerce customization, web development, delivery management, and payment gateways as well as online marketing, inventory management, customer relationship management, order processing and more.

Relevant Industries: Retail & Consumer Goods


BonaERP for Startups


Customer and sales management:

  • Customer Database
  • Leads & Opportunities Management
  • Customer Past Transaction
  • Sales Quotation Module
  • Sales Invoice
  • Sales Analysis
  • Discount Function


Supplier management:

  • Supplier Database
  • Supplier Transactions
  • Purchase Orders
  • Supplier Invoice
  • Purchase Analysis


Inventory Management:

  • Incoming Products
  • Outgoing Products
  • Stock Level
  • Support for Barcodes/QR Code
  • Product Search
  • Product Category
  • Delivery Order

Peppol E-invoicing Module - Creation of Peppol User - Integration to BonaERP sales and purchase module - lookup of the users’ customers or suppliers and check whether they are on Peppol network - submission of invoices to Peppol for users registered with Peppol network - Usage of up to 1000 invoices


Professional Services

  • 1 x User Acceptance Testing
  • 4 x User Training

BonaERP for SMEs


Customer and sales management:

  • Customer Database
  • Leads & Opportunities Management
  • Past Transaction/History
  • Quotation Management
  • Sales Order Management
  • Customer Invoice Management
  • Mobile Quotation (Events and Roadshows)
  • Customer Credit limit configuration
  • Customer Statement of Account
  • Commission Tracking
  • Customer Discount Management
  • Quotation/Sales Order/Invoice Customization


Supplier and Purchase Management:

  • Supplier Database
  • Supplier Transactions History
  • Purchase Requisition Management
  • Request for Quotation
  • Purchase Orders
  • Supplier Invoice
  • Purchase Analysis
  • Supplier Statement of Accounts
  • RFQ/Purchase Order/Invoice Customization


Inventory Management:

  • Incoming Products
  • Outgoing Products
  • Stock Level
  • Stock Moves
  • Stock valuation
  • Support for Barcodes/QR Code
  • Product Category
  • Product Search
  • Multiple Warehouse
  • Reserved Stocks
  • Inventory Adjustment
  • Lot/Batch Number Tracking
  • Serial Number Tracking
  • Delivery Order
  • Sales Return
  • Good Received Note
  • Purchase Return
  • Latest Product Inventories
  • Moves history and planning
  • Stock valuation
  • Bill of Material Feature
  • Product Variant Feature
  • Unit of Measurement Conversion Feature
  • Stock Movement Report
  • Stock Aging Report
  • Delivery Management
  • Production Management

Peppol E-invoicing Module - Creation of Peppol User - Integration to BonaERP sales and purchase module - lookup of the users’ customers or suppliers and check whether they are on Peppol network - submission of invoices to Peppol for users registered with Peppol network - Usage of up to 1000 invoices


Professional Services

  • 1 x User Acceptance Testing
  • 12 x User Training



Increase sales channels and increase revenue.


Improve Productivity.


Automate processes and reduce errors.


View Profit & Loss (P&L) and overall processes with one software.



  1. Why use ERP?
    Having an ERP system:
    • Improve Productivity
    • Remove Redundancies
    • Increase Sales Channels
    • Increase Sales Revenue
    • Minimize Errors
    • Automate Processes
    • View Profit & Loss (P&L) and overall processes with one software


  2. Why BonaERP?
    • Local Pre-approved Software developer approved by IMDA
    • Able to customize extensively to our client's business requirements
    • Lower costs + Shorter timeline (due to reusing of past available, tested and proven modules)
    • Experienced ERP company (with multiple SMEs implementation, we are able to assist not just in ERP implementation, but business advisory and industry's best practices)
    • Unlimited Users (no user fees)
    • One time development fee (claimable via EDG or PSG)
    • Data belongs to clients
    • No additional fees unless add-ons or request for maintenance
    • No additional fees except for hosting of cloud-based ERP