


Frequently Asked Questions


What is Roaming Subscription?
M1 Postpaid mobile customers who pay a monthly subscription for this add-on, will not be charged an additional 20% on top of all Postpaid roaming rates.

Will I be able to use Data Roaming when I activate Roaming Subscription?
No, activating Roaming Subscription only allows customers to use calls and SMS. Data Roaming must be activated separately.

What is Pay-Per-Use Roaming?
Customers on Pay-Per-Use Roaming only need to pay 20% on top of prevailing roaming rates and promotion.

Will I be able to use Data Roaming when I activate Pay-Per-Use Roaming?
No, activating Pay-Per-Use Roaming only allows customers to use calls and SMS. Data Roaming must be activated separately.